And what's not to like about Autumn? No sweat, yet no frost bite. I find it the perfect and most balanced season of the year. (I'm actually much happier during Autumn/Winter that I am in Summer).
22nd September yesterday, Autumn is officially here and what's the best way to welcome it other than listing the best things to look forward for? Here's 7 things I love the most about this season.
The colours
Something you might not know is that I'm all up for warm colours such as brown, red, yellow/gold. My favourites at all times! So how can I not appreciate going for a walk in this season where everything seems magical? I love it!
Fall foliage
Messy, it's quite a pain to walk all around and try not to slip on all those leaves on the floor. Or when you have to spend those 10 miserable seconds in the entrance of a place trying to get rid of those leaves that got stuck under your empowering boots. And still you feel your boots slipping times to times as you go. But it's Oh so pretty - all those colours on the floor, decorating the roads. And even Beyoncé says that 'Pretty hurts', so ... I guess that's true.
Darker and cosier nights
Ok, you get out from work and it's getting dark already, you feel like your day is almost gone and you don't have time to do much more. It's a drag. But doesn't it make it extra satisfactory to get back to your warm and comfy home, turn on the lights and just relax? It does for me. A good bath and good food make me happier than ever.
Even nights out are more magical for me. I don't mind going for a walk and appreciate the magic outside.
Excuses for hot drinks
Yes, yes, yes... you won't look stupid for asking for a hot drink any more. Seriously, sometimes I feel like people look at me as I was about to do the worst crime on Earth. Not that I care, but you know... Summer time doesn't really go with hot drinks.
But now it's officially different and we're happy with it. Not freezing season but cool enough for tea, cocoa or coffee.
Is this a bit of cold I'm feeling? Oh, I must get some hot chocolate to fight it!!

Guess what: it's also cool enough for cuddling with your soul-mate! Hurrah!! No more disappointing "Sorry, it's too hot!". Cuddle as much as you can and wherever you can. In the bed while sleeping, in the sofa, in the street, doesn't matter where. Just do it!
And if at the moment you're depressed and thinking "Oh why am I single?", do not worry. I'm the one cuddling with a king size duvet anyway - and I feel great!
Long coats and big boots
I don't know about you guys but I love a nice long cardigan. Winter, Summer, doesn't matter. Only the thickness and the frequency of usage change. Chunky long knit coats will make me happy for the next 8/9 months.
Also I can't say No to a good pair of high heel boots. Strong, powerful, feminine and comfortable, they are a must in my Autumn/Winter wardrobe.
Need to say anything? It's also time for cakes, cupcakes pies, soups, cookies.... in general it's time to ruin our diet and get rid of those "beach/bikini body ready" ads putting us down in the last months.
Let's enjoy that cinnamon, pumpkin, cocoa and home made food smells in the air.
(Ok, don't take me that serious - eat and enjoy, but be healthy!)
Sleepy special Sunday
That's right. Last but not least in the list (ah!), there's that very special Sunday where the clocks go 1 hour backwards and you don't even mind staying in bed for a bit longer.
Just make sure you're not as distracted as me. As much as I remember, last time this happened I ended up getting to work 1 hour earlier than I was supposed to because dumb me didn't know it was The day. Won't happen this year as I've put a note everywhere including my phone: 25th October 2015!
See you soon,
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