Music #2


I've been listening, singing, screaming and hurting myself to this song.
I didn't fall in love at first, but I did see myself hurt we this sound after a couple times of listening to hit out loud.
Beautiful. Meaningful. 


Habibi doesn't like my friends.


So Habibi decided that tonight, after he come back home from work, we should buy some Vodka and get drunk as we did before in not so nice places - when we were living in the Hostel, we used to go to the park during the evening to get drunk with some privacy - as we didn't have the opportunity to do it in our comfortable "new" place.

I didn't want to - I don't even like drinking - and I didn't appreciate his sudden wish to get drunk, but I decided to, as usual, accept and act according to his will.

We came home, I happily cooked as he was tired from work, we had dinner and we started drinking.
My friend Melissa, the only person from my country living in London that I have as a friend, called me and we chatted for 5 minutes.
As usual Habibi got mad. He doesn't like her and he doesn't hide it.

Wishlist - Labrador!!


So I decided to open up about things that I want! Things that I'm dreaming of. Things I just can't take out of my mind.
It's my pure consumerist desire, that one that kills me insiiiiiiiiide - ok, no dramas.

And my first big wish to be shared is:
Labrador Retriever!

Stop wishing, start doing.

Problems with my job - what happened


Remember me saying I wanted to quit my formal job?
Well, I did. Kinda.

In December I had a quick conversation with the assistant of the big boss (aka supervisor), in which I told him about how I was unhappy to work for them and how I wanted to leave the job.
As we have a 1 year contract, the guy just told me "You must give me your Resignation Letter and only after 1 month you can stop."

I didn't give any letter as I was waiting to get paid.
Well, in the beginning of the year he came with this completely different conversation saying "You know you're not working with us any more from next week...", and that he "accepted" my verbal notice.
More, he told me on Friday 2 January when the last day of our rota was Sunday 4 January.
I still fought back demanding at least 1 week notice as it says in the contract. He agreed and said he would talk to the boss. No answer.

"Charlie Hebdo", Muslims and the attack in Paris - my opinion


I'm trying to keep myself cold in this subject.
To be honest, all this thing ... I don't buy it.

I don't understand what people have in mind when being cruel - and I mean killing or other kinds of cruelty, even physical or psychological torture - since it doesn't come to my mind to hurt any kind of life.
This world has always been lost. It's not new that we, humans, have the power to destroy everything, including ourselves. We kill, we steal, we hurt, we torture, most of the times with NO reason. I mean there is no excuse to do such a thing, but I still get surprised when I see people doing whatever they think they can do, without even thinking of the others.

Wishes of happiness for 2015!


It seems like the year started in a good way.
Habibi and me have been in a good mood, full of love and affection. He takes care of me, I take care of him.
I'm happy. Everything seems ok.
The best man in this world is by my side! :)


Resolutions for 2015


After a so-different-from-what-I-imagined year of 2014, it's time for us to - stupidly - try to plan our life for the next year.

From my resolutions for 2014 I remember I got right 2 things: move to London and get a boyfriend. Everything else I think I missed.

New year, new life (I hope)

The end of 2014 was not completely that easy. To be honest it was very difficult emotionally and economically. 
I've been struggling in both to pay all my bills and to make my relationship with Habibi go long a healthy. It's a difficult duty anyway.

I hope this new year of 2015 will change some aspects of my life and will bring us all the good things.
