Relationship ABC - the 2nd chance


Nobody said it's easy to keep a relationship growing long and healthy. There are moments where you will definitely question your relationship and your future together (or alone).

If you're just in a let's-get-it-going-until-I-don't-like-it-anymore kind of relationship, then you will give up and split in the first setback. On the other hand, if you are in a serious and adult relationship with someone that you respect and respects you back, then that someone will definitely answer to your needs and make you feel loved; for that reason you will think twice before any dramatic change because you don't want to hurt or disrespect the person. Specially if you are living together.

Fights are normal inside a couple's routine. Sometimes stress takes over and you end up rising your tone of voice, or you're tired and you can't communicate properly, or even due to certain disagreements. All that is fine if you know how to put your pride aside and recognise your mistakes. You must know how to forgive your partner as well, none of us is perfect.

The problem is when you fall in a deep unhappiness and nothing motivates you any more. You start going through this state of negativity that has a big impact in your relationship.
In the end everything stops making sense. You consider going on by yourself. But somehow you can't.

That person is part of your life and actually makes you feel some protection. You start thinking about the good moments you spent together. The good memories come to your mind and you realize you can't live without that person. The good side is way bigger than the bad.
And the truth is the one "perfect for you", that "prince charming", it's all an illusion. The true prince charming is that dedicated and worried companion that gives you the first place in his priority scale. He respects you. He wants to see you happy. He makes you his main attraction.

And this is when you decide to give your relationship a second chance - when you know it's worth it.

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