I'm going through a very difficult time at the moment.
I got this new job in the cake department of a party shop which kind of inspires me to bake. Also my team is ok, I have a good time with my colleagues, so I'm happy. However my workplace is far away from home, and I don't get paid as much as I would like. No good. So I'm worried and looking for another job.
Also it has been difficult to conciliate everything. Habibi too, he is not in a very good moment of his life. So between both jobs, home and other activities, we end up not having time for each other. Actually we don't have time for anything, we have to pick the little opportunities to actually do something. Well, big mess!
I wonder if I took the right decision by coming to London. I miss everything about my origins. I didn't go back to visit since I came in January 2014.
I'm even considering leaving everything behind and going back. At least I would live in the place I love and next to my family and friends.
And at least, maybe I would had a second chance with Kevin, my "ex". I'm thinking about him a lot and about how I would do it differently this time if I went back.
Difficult subjects, hard decisions.
See you all very soon!
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