Habibi doesn't like my friends.


So Habibi decided that tonight, after he come back home from work, we should buy some Vodka and get drunk as we did before in not so nice places - when we were living in the Hostel, we used to go to the park during the evening to get drunk with some privacy - as we didn't have the opportunity to do it in our comfortable "new" place.

I didn't want to - I don't even like drinking - and I didn't appreciate his sudden wish to get drunk, but I decided to, as usual, accept and act according to his will.

We came home, I happily cooked as he was tired from work, we had dinner and we started drinking.
My friend Melissa, the only person from my country living in London that I have as a friend, called me and we chatted for 5 minutes.
As usual Habibi got mad. He doesn't like her and he doesn't hide it.

So we had a fight. I was crying because I haven't seen my best friend for a long time, in part very influenced by him - he doesn't like her. I really miss her, she's the only one who I can just act childish with, forget about all my responsabilities or my social behaviour. She's a good person, she makes me feel good, and I like her. I miss her, a LOT.
He doesn't really care about that. Every time he hears "Melissa" he shows his annoyed face.

My problem is that he has his Tunisian friends Mohammed and Hattab, which I respect, accept and even try to make friendship with. We've been to their homes before. I try to communicate and create a good environment with them and their wives. Not because I feel connected with them, but because they are Habibi's friends, and I want to make it good for us.

However he doesn't do the same for me. He doesn't care about my friends. I don't think he does that on purpose, but he shows no interest in MY friends. That hurts me, and I told him.
I don't have a lot of friends. At least I would expect him to respect the couple friends I have.
Even my family - he told me he doesn't want to talk to them on Skype, just because he thinks my father offended him somehow. Not true, but that's what he thinks. So he told me he doesn't want to talk to them on Skype anymore.
But me, I still talk to his family on Skype, and I never put that idea aside.

Well, we had a long fight this evening. He went to sleep without even saying goodbye; he completely ignored me. I am very mad and unhappy as I write this post.
Maybe tomorrow I'll/we'll be better.


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