Well, I did.
As we have a 1 year contract, the guy just told me "You must give me your Resignation Letter and only after 1 month you can stop."
I didn't give any letter as I was waiting to get paid.
Well, in the beginning of the year he came with this completely different conversation saying "You know you're not working with us any more from next week...", and that he "accepted" my verbal notice.
More, he told me on Friday 2 January when the last day of our rota was Sunday 4 January.
I still fought back demanding at least 1 week notice as it says in the contract. He agreed and said he would talk to the boss.
A couple days after I found out the company had too much staff (hired a lot before Christmas, but January and February are too quiet) and were trying to get rid of some. The following week they unfairly fired 5 other people and sent other 5 or 6 on "holidays".
Everything was a scheme from those Iranian corrupts who only care about money and don't give a shit about people's lives.
Although I was wishing to leave the job, I can't hold myself on frustration for seeing my rights completely disrespected.
As it was not enough, they even have the
Expecting around £2,000 (the month of December and Holidays), I got paid only £1,190!!
I'm so pissed off!
But last week me and my colleagues who also got fired got together and went to Camden Community Law Centre, to ask for legal help in this case.
They advised each one of us to send a letter to the boss explaining the situation and asking for an attitude.
The result?
We thought they were not even going to answer.
They sent us all messages with surreal accusations, trying to run from their obligations and trying to blame each one of us.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the reply to my well structured letter yesterday.
Miles away from the truth, I don't even know where they get all the inspiration for these stories.
It would be really bad if they hadn't sent the same message to at least 2 of my other colleagues. But they did, and that's a proof we gonna use.
For that reason we are going back to the Law Centre this week to see what the lawyer has to tell us.
We are all together in this and we're going to Court if necessary.
And I'm going like this:
Talk soon,
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