Post update - too many things going on


Hi everyone!

I'm writing to let you know that in the next weeks I will probably fail to update the blog and even the social media as I'm going through a hard time. I'm moving out from my place next Sunday, so I have too many things to worry about; also my relationship with Habibi is seeing an end, although I'm still fighting against it. He is going back to Tunisia, and I can't handle all this pressure and the idea of losing him forever. As illegal, if he goes out from the UK, he won't be able to return in case he regrets leaving me.

So all this situation is taking too much of my time and my concentration, I won't be able to be around as much as I would like.
Today there was no Sunday is Cake Day! post since I didn't have conditions to bake or to do anything special. I hope I can go back to it soon.

I will be around times to times to let you guys updated, hoping this phase will pass faster as possible.

Wish you guys all the best!

See you soon,

4 comments in this post

  1. thats okay lovely. Times can be busy. Love your blog would be fab if you could check out my latest post too xxx

  2. Hi Ana! Thanks a lot for your comment, that was very kind. I will definitely check your blog :) x

  3. Don't worry too much, everything will be fine although I'm might seems different now!! good luck!! will see you soon xx

  4. It's a very difficult moment,but I hope it's gonna be better soon. See you soon sweetie xx
